Schweizer Fernsehen / Sendung „Kassensturz“ vom 06.03.2007

Atomdebatte: Warum auch AKWs dem Klima schaden

Atomstrom sei frei von CO2 und belaste die Umwelt nicht, behauptet die Atomlobby. Doch neue Studien zeigen: Atomkraftwerke sind keineswegs CO2-frei. Grund: Der Abbau von Uran wird immer aufwändiger und schadet dem Klima.

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„Nuclear power – the energy balance“ by Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen:

The production of electricity by nuclear reactors, as long as rich uranium ores are still available, leads to considerably less CO2-emission than does the use of fossil fuels for the purpose. In the course of time, as the rich ores become exhausted and poorer and poorer ores are perforce used, continuing use of nuclear reactors for electricity generation will finally result in the production of more CO2 than if fossil fuels were to be burned directly.

RSS Trackback URL pmetzler | 11. Juni 2008 (20:33)


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