
Carbon Monitoring for Action (CARMA) Reveals CO2 Pollution from 50,000 Power Plants, 4,000 Firms

While no society will escape the effects of climate change, the five billion people living in poor nations will be affected first and worst. Poor people in the developing world cannot afford to wait for the world’s politicians to reach an agreement on the steep reductions in greenhouse gas pollution. CGD’s new Carbon Monitoring for Action (CARMA) Web site reveals the carbon emissions of more than 50,000 power plants and 4,000 power companies in every country on Earth, providing investors, insurers, creditors, consumers and environmental advocates the information they need to act now to begin to reduce emissions.

Center for Global Development

Kraftwerke: Weltweites Ranking der Klimasünder

RSS Trackback URL pmetzler | 15. November 2007 (23:23)


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